Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Journalist- the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organizations as business. The degree you need to make this a career is a Bachelor's Degree in Technical Communication.

Freelancer- somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term. These workers are often represented by a company or an agency that resells their labor and that of others to its clients with or without project management and labor contributed by its regular employees. You don't need a degree for this occupation, but yes if you want to represent a company, a Bachelor's Degree.

Production Management- Theatrical production management is a sub-division of stagecraft. Degree needed for this occupation is a Bachelor of Science Degree in Production and Operations Management.

Advertisement- a form of communication used to persuade and audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect of products, ideas, or services. You need a Bachelor of Advertisements.

Copy editor- Editor improves the formating, style, and accuracy of text. Copy refers to written or typewritten text for typesetting, printing, or publication. Bachelor Degree of Journalism is needed to fulfill this occupation.

Correspondent- journalist or commentator, or more general speaking, an agent who contributes reports to newspaper, or radio or television news. Bachelor Degree of Journalism to fulfill this occupation.

Illustrator- a narrative artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts also. Bachelor degree in illustration.

Salesman- the act of selling a product or service in return of money or other compensation. He/She usually provides goods or services. Degree is not needed, but if salesman wants to be successful Masters Degrees in Business is recommended.

Blogger- a person who writes about their opinion on a subject or trying to discuss a subject. Degrees are not needed, any ages and people could do this.

News Anchor- a presenter of a news bulletins. This person maybe working for a company or a television show like CNN. Bachelor or Master Degree is acceptable.

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